
Accurate as of September 8th 2024

Wine Clubs comparison made easy


Top6 Score


Uses a unique algorithm to curate wine selections tailored to your specific tastes through a detailed quiz and ongoing feedback.

Offers award-winning wines from around the world at up to 60% off retail prices, providing exceptional value.

Flexible subscription options allow you to adjust delivery frequency and wine quantity to fit your needs.

Includes detailed tasting notes, pairing suggestions, and the winemaker’s story with every shipment, enhancing the wine-drinking experience.

Satisfaction guarantee ensures that you only pay for wines you love, making it a risk-free way to explore new wines.

Wine of the Month

Top6 Score

Wine of the Month

Provides a diverse selection of wines sourced from renowned vineyards worldwide.

Offers tasting notes, pairing suggestions, and wine history with every delivery, enhancing the overall experience.

Flexible membership options cater to a wide range of tastes and budgets, making it suitable for both novices and seasoned wine enthusiasts.

Access to exclusive and limited-production wines not readily available in stores.

An excellent gifting option with customizable plans for special occasions.

Wine Awesomeness

Top6 Score

Wine Awesomeness

Curates eclectic and hard-to-find wines from around the globe, perfect for those looking to expand their palate.

Monthly shipments include tasting notes, recipes, and pairing suggestions, enhancing the overall wine experience.

Offers themed wine boxes that explore different regions, varietals, and wine-making techniques, making each delivery a learning opportunity.

Flexible subscription plans allow members to choose between red, white, or mixed options, catering to diverse preferences.

Ideal for young, modern wine enthusiasts who enjoy discovering new wines with a story.

Wine Insiders

Top6 Score

Wine Insiders

Offers expertly curated wines available for one-time purchases or as part of a non-subscription membership.

Known for its exceptional value, offering high-quality wines at competitive prices.

Provides detailed tasting notes and pairing recommendations with each bottle.

Features a satisfaction guarantee, with a commitment to replace or refund any wines that do not meet expectations.

Celebrated for its educational content that enhances the wine drinking experience.

Wine Access

Top6 Score

Wine Access

Specializes in offering access to premium and allocated wines that are often not available in typical retail channels.

Known for its deep expertise and extensive research that goes into each selection.

Provides rich stories behind each wine, enhancing the appreciation of its origin and winemaker.

Offers a range of membership clubs tailored to different wine preferences and consumption habits.

Praised for its exceptional customer service and educational approach to wine selling.

Naked Wines

Top6 Score

Naked Wines

Operates on a unique model where customers (Angels) fund independent winemakers in exchange for exclusive access to wines at wholesale prices.

Known for its vibrant community of wine lovers and direct interaction with winemakers.

Offers a wide range of wines, including rare and limited editions.

Provides feedback opportunities directly to winemakers, influencing future productions.

Recognized for its strong focus on quality and innovation in winemaking.


Top6 Score


Offers a personalized selection of wines based on your taste preferences established through an initial quiz.

Known for its focus on small production and unique wines, often featuring lesser-known vineyards

Provides flexibility in shipments, with options to skip months and easy cancellation.

Features an easy-to-use platform that allows users to rate the wines, which Winc uses to refine future selections.

Praised for its modern approach to wine curation and emphasis on customer experience.

Macy's Wine Cellar

Top6 Score

Macy's Wine Cellar

Provides a curated selection of wines tailored to seasonal themes and occasions.

Offers membership options that include quarterly wine shipments, with each selection handpicked by experts.

Known for its special occasion gift selections and wine sets.

Includes tasting notes and a serving guide with each shipment.

Features an introductory offer with significant savings on the first shipment, making it a great gift option.

Plonk Wine Club

Top6 Score

Plonk Wine Club

Focuses on environmentally responsible wines, including organic, biodynamic, and naturally produced varieties.

Known for its commitment to showcasing wines made with minimal intervention.

Each shipment includes detailed tasting notes, vineyard profiles, and food pairing suggestions.

Offers a variety of club options, including red only, white only, and mixed cases.

Receives high marks for its dedication to wine purity and environmental sustainability.